Title : 155 Words - Waking Up Forgotten
Author : Shawne
E-Mail : shawne@shawnex.freeservers.com 
Rating : G
Category: V, Mulder POV
Spoilers : none
Keywords : MSR implied
Archive : 155 Words, yes. Anywhere else, please ask.
Disclaimers : Not mine.
Summary : Just read already!
In my dreams, I am remembered.
As we move towards each other, her ocean-blue eyes pulse with familiarity,
and they welcome me through mists of memory into her arms.
In my dreams, she recognises me.
I am neither her partner nor the tortured slave of reality and paranoia. I
am her possession, and her destiny - now, and through lives and times lost
in smoky rebirth.
In my dreams, there is no forgetting.
She thinks of me as I think of her, in terms of forever, through
measurements of eternity. We hold on through ties of clarity and
recollection, bound by our ageless history and our timeless future.
In my dreams, I see her as she should be.
Smiling. Soft. Free of worries.
She finds me in her heart, and keeps me there.
Safe. Warm.
But light rips into darkness, and forever becomes never.
I wake up, like always.
And like always, I wake up forgotten.
AUTHOR'S END NOTES : This is my first attempt at cramming a story/vignette
into 155 words - an incredible feat for the verbosity that is (usually) me.
<g> Please write to tell me if this brevity worked for you, or just to tell
me that my words need tweaking or polishing. Anything at all is welcome at
shawne@shawnex.freeservers.com !!
Added June 27, 1999