Longer Stories
Short isn't always best...
These are the stories which simply couldn't be contained in one short installment. They clamoured for a voice, and got one. I'm a verbose person at best, and this is what comes of that. Nothing really novel-length yet, though, so don't worry too much. You won't be stuck in front of your computer all day (though I doubt you would be anyway...)
Coming Soon: hopefully the post-Arcadia fic I've been working on will materialise. It's called "Accounting For Arcadia" and is two chapters underway. I also have plans for rather big-scale Milagro and Biogenesis fics, both of which will definitely be more than just one chapter long.
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Stand Alones || Post-episode || Works In Progress
Last Updated: November 3, 1999, Wednesday, 7.10 p.m.
(c) Kagami 1999