Once Upon A Time...
There was this man, see? He was a surfer dude, like, riding the waves and hanging at the beaches. Way cool, man. And his name? He went by Chris, Chris Carter. Now, he might not seem like much to you right now, but eventually, this guy went on to do very great things.
How so, you ask?
Did he invent the formula to stop global warming?
Has he dealt with all the crises in the Middle East and finally created complete and total peace?
Is he the first one who's contacted an extra-terrestrial life-form?
Well... no, no, and hopefully no.
What he did was so amazing that people around the world are still talking about his creations. There are those who attend conventions honouring his work, those who write fifty-page theses and stories extolling the virtues of him and what he has brought to Earth. There are websites dedicated to him and his work.
So what has this man done?
You sit there, watching the computer screen, wondering, "What is Shawne leading up to? Is this man going to find the cure for AIDS? Why is she praising him so much?"
Well, let me TELL YOU WHY.
He created...
That's right. He created a TELEVISION SHOW.
Hey, before you write me off as a TV junkie who's on the road to Loondom (which I'm not saying I'm not, by the way!), hold off on passing judgment till you get to the end of this page, OK?
He brought two people to life.
That's right, to LIFE. You heard right.
Special Agents Fox William Mulder and Dana Katherine Scully are ALIVE. That's right. Living, breathing, three-dimensional human beings. With feelings, lives, and problems. They are ALIVE.
(So is my brain, alright, don't think it isn't.)
Now, although Mr. Carter did a very good thing, benefitting all of humanity in the process, there are side effects to this creation of his. A common one is delusion and obsessive-compulsive behaviour. Another is rabid discussion of the lives of Mulder and Scully, on the phone, via e-mail, in chat rooms, everywhere. The most fatal death blow, however, is this irresistible necessity to write about Mulder and Scully and everyone else who has ever been involved with or acted in the show.
Chris Carter created
and in doing so, he created many a fanfic author. I'm just one of that ilk, the lowest of the low, the most obsessed of the insanely obsessed. With every spare moment, I've glued myself to my computer, reading, writing, feedbacking. Creating my own tribute to the beauty that has been going on for six years now, on the FOX network in the States.
I don't mean any harm, to Chris Carter, Mulder or Scully. And of course, nothing intended to offend either. This is fiction, pure and unadulterated fiction. I don't make money off this, and I only live off the feedback I get from publicising my stories in the XFic community. I can't be sued, either, since I make less money than the chair in my bedroom does.
Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny, the actors who star on the show and who help Chris Carter in bringing divinity to the world at large, are also amazing people, and I don't mean to infringe on their privacy or write about them. I am writing about MULDER and SCULLY, not DUCHOVNY or ANDERSON.
Basically, Chris Carter is a genius, and I am not. I did not create Mulder and Scully. He did. They're not MINE, they're HIS.
And I am giving credit where credit is due. He created the show, but all the fics on this site are my own sole property.
We have that straight?
OK, you can go turn on your TV and put money in Chris Carter's pocket now. Or you can write to me, and make my world just that much brighter with feedback.
Hmm. How did this turn into a solicitation for feedback? I'm sure I was talking about...
Oh well. Here. Handy links to the rest of this site:
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Written July 8, 1999, Thursday, 9.33 p.m.